This section provides videos/slide shows relating to 400 Squadron History.
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Produced in 2010 by Bill Bishop & Garry Alexander This video is broken into 4 Chapters for easier viewing. It examines various aspects of Squadron Life from 1958 to 1964 using photos and 8mm film.
Chapter 1 Photographs & Memories
Shows life at R.C.A.F. Stn. Downsview. Length: 11 mins 4 secs
Chapter 2 Summer Camps
Shows life at Camp Borden, R.C.A.F. Stn. North Bay, R.C.A.F. Stn. Trenton and Camp Gagetown N.B. Length: 15 mins 5 secs
Chapter 3 Colour Presentation
June 10, 1961 along with Mess Dinners at R.C.A.F. Stn Toronto (Avenue Rd) and the Lord High Airman festivities (1961). Length: 9 mins
Chapter 4 Around Stn. Toronto,
Also Nuclear Decontamination and Prangs & Bangs. Length: 8 mins 50 secs
400 SQUADRON HISTORY 1932-2012
Produced in 2012 by Bill Bishop & Garry Alexander. Thanks to Ron Wylie's 400 Squadron History book "On Watch To Strike" and to L/Col Todd Braithwaite, CO 400 THS for some of the pictures. Length: 23mins 50 secs.
RCAF March Past
The background music for this video is a complete rendition of the R.C.A.F. March Past (fondly referred to as sign on music)
Length: 3 mins 9 secs. Produced in 2011 by Bill Bishop
Lloyd Smith's WWII Photographs
This video is a compilation of photos from 400 Squadron's Lloyd Smith, WO (Rtd)
Length 3 mins 44 secs. Produced in 2012 by Bill Bishop