Flying Officer Russell (Serial # 90326) was from Toronto, Ontario and was killed 29 November 1953 at age 20. He was the son of Harold Walter and Elenor (nee Lee) Russell of Toronto, Ontario.
He is commemorated on Page 36 of the 'In the Service of Canada' Book of Remembrance. CLICK HERE TO VIEW PAGE
F/O Russell was killed during a beacon approach to Downsview in poor weather. His Vampire aircraft crashed into Lake Ontario near Whitby, ON.
NOT actual aircraft (but his looked very much like this one)
His Aircraft
Serial 17081 de Havilland Vampire Mk. III
Contractor: Made by English Electric Factory No. EEP42399
RCAF first date: 5 July 1948 - Taken on strength
RAF serial VP782 assigned, never marked.
With No. 402 Squadron, Stevenson Field, Manitoba, 1948 to 1950.
Operated by No. 411 (Aux) Squadron and No. 400 (Aux) Squadron, RCAF Station Downsview, Ontario, in early/mid 1950s. Operated by No. 400 Sdn. at time of crash.
Last date: 29 December 1953 - Struck off, after Category A crash on 29 November 1953
Special "Let Down Chart"
This special Let Down Chart was in use during the construction on runway 15 at Downsview.
The following article was obtained from the archives of the Toronto Daily Star