Service History
I served with 411 from January 1964 to November 1965 when I was accepted for service with the Regular Forces ( R.C.E.M.E.) Army.
Returned back to 411 Squadron after being injured and unable to work in the field with the infantry around March 1966.
My duties with 411 Squadron included rigging of the Otter Aircraft for supply drops. Trained and qualified by Cpl Lawles of Regular force. I was also an Av/ Tech group standard.
Released February 1971
Civilian Work Experience - Overview
Worked in the food industry in a sales position from Route sales,to Sales Manager and everything in between
Current Activities
Retired in 2006 and started working with Bill Bishop and Garry Alexander on the History Hanger in 2010 to help preserve the history of 400 and 411 Squadrons.
Recently been working on my home that I purchased that was first built in 1850
Don't have any as my Wife keeps me busy working around the home when not working on the History Hangar
The History Hanger has been a great learning experience with Bill Bishop guiding us along ... he is a great teacher but I'm not always such a great student.
I urge anyone with some time to spare to consider giving us a helping hand running the History Hangar ... we'll train you free of charge.