Garry Alexander - Secretary/Treasurer and Director
Service History
I served as an Aero Engine Tech with 400 Squadron from April 1958 to February 1963 and from November 1963 to February 1965.
Civilian Work Experience - Overview
Worked in the HVAC Industry as an Area Manager, Department Manager in Plumbing and Heating Wholesaler, Crane Supply and Western Supplies. Was a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Northern Alberta Chapter (NAC). President of the NAC 1990-91. A founding member of the Alberta Hydronic Advisory Council (AHAC). Chairman of the AHAC 1996 trade show.
Current Activities
I am Semi-retired working as an consultant in a HVAC Service Company 3 days a week. I serve on the Mechanical Contractors Association - Northern Alberta Old Timer's Committee. I do a lot volunteer work for the History Hangar primarily looking after the finances of the History Hangar Society, handling Membership, assisting Bill with editing the pages of the website, and processing / enhancing the many photographs we have.
Golf, and bugging my wife.
Gentleman, my advice to you, is it is never too early or too late to have your Prostate checked.