Bill Bishop, President and Director

Service Background

I served with 400 Squadron from February 1958 through August 1964 as an AirFrame Tech and MechAir attaining the rank of Acting Corporal. In 1961 I was elected PMC of the Airmen's Mess.

Civilian Work Experience - Overview

I have had a wide and varied career in banking, airline management, consulting and software development. I ran my own businesses from 1979 until I retired [?] in 2001.

I have limited formal education (Grade 11 High School) but a wealth of self gained knowledge.

Current Activities

I am currently retired but very active in the creation and ongoing upkeep of 400 Squadron's website .... The History Hangar ... and the numerous affiliated web presences.

I am an equal Partner/Manager of a privately held company, Prompt Productions, whose mission is three fold:

1) To produce quality video for local Halifax businesses to assist them in the promotion of their products/services, primarily on their web sites.

2) To produce timely, interesting, and informative video for TV news."

3) To produce free, video tutorials for people with limited computer experience, which will help them gain the 'how to' knowledge necessary to make their computing experience less frustrating and more enjoyable.

I also currently provide ongoing support to maintain computers, and teach computer basics, for about 20 select clients. To accomplish this I use the TeamViewer Remote Control software.


When time permits I enjoy flying with the Microsoft Flight Simulator, cooking, and jazz music.

Favourite Sayings

"A mind is like a parachute, it must be open to work"

"All things cometh to he who waiteth. If he worketh like hell while he waiteth".

"Perfection consists of doing ordinary things extraordinarily well".

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