Here a few snippets of 400 Squadron Life that I personally witnessed (was involved in) and which I feel can be classified as Memorable Lines.
The Scene: Aircraft Servicing Office, winter 1959
The morning aircraft had been dispatched and it was that down time after daily chores had been completed (oil trays wiped clean, hangar floors swept, etc) and the Line Crews were killing time waiting for the aircraft to return.
Nelson Zelding (a relatively new member of the squadron) was ensconced in one of the few comfortable chairs reading a book when someone broke the silence by asking "What cha reading Nelson". He advised that he was studying for an upcoming test in his Grade 10 Health Class and further advised that he was reviewing the male reproductive system.
Bill Humphrey, who was NCO in charge of Servicing responded saying: "Nelson, the only thing you need to know about that is that if you masturbate too much you'll get hair on the palm of your hand."
This was met by a lot of wide smiles and a few audible chuckles ... Until ...
Someone pointed to Nelson who was studiously examining the palm of his hand behind his health book ...
Then the room erupted in loud laughter and caused poor Nelson to blush glowingly.
The Scene: Wing Commander Barry Howards cottage on Lake of Bays, winter weekend Special Op, 1961