We have 4 Virtual Art Galleries which are embedded below with an overview of what each contains.
Gallery One - Squadron Paintings from Inception to 2010
There are 18 Paintings in this gallery. The originals are either in museums, in private homes (presented to retired Commanding Officers), or hanging on the walls of the offices at the 400 Squadron Hangar at CFB Borden.

If you wish some quiet music while visiting our Art Gallery, click on the play button and adjust your volume, then visit the Gallery below
Gallery Two - Completed 100th Anniversary Artworks
There are xx painting in this gallery. All are on display at CFB Borden's Base Museum.
We all owe Carl Mills a big debt of gratitude for his vision, selection of subject matter, selecting and working with the various artists all of whom are members of the Canadian Aircraft Artists Association. Carl has done the lions share of the work in bringing his vision to reality, including raising the considerable funding required for each painting ... $4,500.00
To those Squadron Members who have contributed financially to Carl's efforts in fund raising, we offer our sincere thanks.
(develop verbal and actual link to Donations