On August 10, 2010 Bill Bishop and Garry Alexander organized a reunion barbeque, referred to as "Da Bash", held at Bill's daughter's home in Richmond Hill. They prepared the 400 Squadron Memories Video (from 1958 to 1964) and gave a DVD copy to attendees. This video is in the History on Video section in the 400 HISTORY bay.

In 2012 Bill Bishop and John Tapper organized the first 400/411/2TASS reunion barbeque. It went very well and, based on feedback from those who attended, we have made this an annual event. Jerry Smith ably assisted with many of the details.

Any profits generated from these events are evenly split between the 411 Squadron Benevolent Fund and the History Hangar Society for upkeep of the website.

Details and videos of each year's event may be reached by clicking on the desired event below.